Storytelling in Book Marketing and Launching

Book marketing

Storytelling has been a fundamental part of human communication for centuries, captivating audiences and conveying messages in a compelling and memorable way. In the realm of book marketing, storytelling plays a crucial role in engaging readers and creating a deeper connection with your audience.

You’re NOT a Bad Writer

When I start hearing the same thing from different clients, I take note. And I hear this one over and over again:

“I would love to write a book. I’m just a bad writer.”

Allow me to Dwight Schrute this one and claim FALSE. You’re not a bad writer. Maybe you’ve built up that limiting belief in your head based on what or who you think a “writer” should be, but that certainly doesn’t make such a broad, blanket statement true.

Why Self-Editing Doesn’t Work

It may seem a bit self-serving for an editor to write an article about why self-editing doesn’t work. After all, if authors edited their own manuscripts, there would be no point in hiring a professional editor, and I would be out of a job. This work is my bread and butter. It’s how I get paid.

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